We provide comprehensive legal support services in matters related to the obligations of entrepreneurs as obliged entities, as stipulated in the Polish Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AML). We advise on the implementation of obligations arising from the laws and other legal acts on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.
In this area, we offer:
- assessment of compliance of the organization that is an obliged entity with national and international regulations and guidelines;
- implementation of comprehensive documentation and procedures, covering, among others, the rules of identification and verification of the beneficial owner, risk assessment of the obliged entity and the rules for managing the risk identified, the rules for applying financial security measures, the rules for storing documents and information, the rules for performing duties involving the transmission of information on transactions and notifications to the GIIFGeneral Inspector of Financial Information (GIFI);
- proprietary IT tool for ongoing risk analysis in the day-to-day operations of the obliged entity;
- AML training for employees and collaborators to provide the obliged entities and their employees with the knowledge and information enabling such entity to properly perform its duties as an obliged entity;
- cooperation with law enforcement agencies and the GIIFGIFI.